
Gum plastic surgery

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+371 67 339 300

The basis of a beautiful smile includes not only correctly positioned, beautiful and shapely teeth, but also healthy gums that surround them. Unfortunately, receding gums, which reveal the “neck” of the tooth, or gums that excessively cover the tooth base, can damage the beauty of the smile. The only solution to this problem is plastic surgery of the gums.
At our clinic, this procedure is performed by specially trained specialists.

Gum tissue is extremely delicate, therefore periodontal plastic surgery uses magnifying lenses for the precise visualisation of the operation site, as well as microsurgery tools. Microsurgical operations at our clinic ensure an excellent aesthetic result and post-operative healing after the implemented therapy.

Gum plastic surgery prices

Plastic surgery of the gums (cost of regenerative materials is not included in the service price)
Plastic surgery of the gums with transplant

Before & after

Pacientei tika vekta Gingivektomija jeb klīniskā kroņa pagarināšana. Tika noņemta liekā smagana, vizuāli zobi izskatās lielāki un smaidot mazāk redzama atsegta smagana.

Recesiju slēgšana, kad atkāpušos smaganu iespējams ķirurģiski atjaunot, izmantojot pacienta paša audus.

Recesijas slēgšana. Smagana tika pieaudzēta no paša pacienta audiem.


Justīne Karlova
Certified Periodontists


What should be known and done after gingival plastic surgery

Bleeding of the wound is possible shortly after the operation. Saliva may turn pinkish. The bleeding most commonly ceases within a few hours.

If bleeding persists:

  1. Roll a gauze into a ball,
  2. Place on the wound,
  3. Bite and hold for 30 minutes,
  4. Apply a cold compress from the outside.

Facial oedema may develop on the second or third day after surgery.

If, several days after surgery, the overall health status deteriorates, including:

  • General fatigue occurs,
  • Body temperature is rising,
  • Severe oedema develops in the area of surgery,
  • Pain occurs, when swallowing saliva,
  • Opening your mouth becomes difficult,

immediately call the reception desk of our clinic on +371 67 339 300 or your attending physician.

During the first days


Physical work is not recommended, it is advisable to mostly stay in a sitting position. When lying down, keep the head as high as possible, for instance, use two pillows.

All medications prescribed by the physician should be used from the first day of surgery.

To reduce swelling, it is best to put a bag with ice folded in a towel on the cheek and hold it for 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure every 20 minutes, several times.

Use the prescribed dose exactly as indicated in the prescription.


Any painkiller prescribed by your doctor can be used to relieve pain. Take the medication 2-3 times a day for 2-5 days. All other prescribed drugs should be taken as usual.

On the first day after surgery, do not rinse your mouth and eat hot food or consume hot drinks. It is recommended to have a warm, soft consistency meal, chewing on the opposite side of where the surgery was performed.

During the First Week


The next day after the surgery, start brushing your teeth 2 times a day with toothpaste, then rinse your mouth with 0.2% chlorhexidine solution.

Do not brush your teeth at the site where surgery was performed!!!

In the first week after surgery it is not recommended to attend sports classes, as well as you should not take a hot shower or visit a sauna.

In the first week, in order not to traumatise the postoperative wound, it is advisable to consume easily chewable, warm food.

Sutures are removed 14 days after surgery.


Smoking can adversely affect the healing of the post-surgical wound. We recommend avoiding smoking for two weeks after the surgery.

Do not drink alcohol for 7 days after surgery.

During the First Month

Stitches are removed in 2 weeks. Food of any consistency may be consumed. However, for a while, it is advisable to chew on the side that is opposite the site of operation.

Use of medications is no longer necessary from the second week onwards.


Oral hygiene must be performed as usual, replacing chlorhexidine with water or any mouthwash.

Receding gums

Receding gums is a process, whereby gum tissue recedes downwards along the tooth. The development of gum recession can be caused by the following factors:

-          Incorrect technique of tooth cleaning;

-          Periodontal diseases; 

-          Incorrect tooth placement;

-          Localisation of labial frenulum close to the gum line. 

Aesthetic or plastic surgery of the gums is possible after evaluating the extent and degree of gum recession. 

For more information on receding gums, read here.

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