-Ja ir aktīvs ādas iekaismums apstrādājamā zonā
-Ja ir akūta vīrusa infekcija, piemēram herpes infekcija
-Ja ir autoimūna saslimšana
-Cukura diabēta gadījumā
-Ja ir kardiostimulators
HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) lifting procedure is a modern, non-invasive solution for skin tightening and rejuvenation using focused ultrasound energy. During the procedure, the energy penetrates deep into the skin layers, stimulating collagen production and improving skin elasticity. The HIFU procedure is particularly effective in addressing sagging skin and wrinkles, providing a natural lifting effect without the need for surgical intervention.
The procedure is most commonly applied to the face, neck, and decollete areas or specific zones such as the forehead and eye area, knees, and abdominal region.
The primary advantage of the procedure is its minimal impact on your daily routine, as most patients can resume their activities immediately after the treatment. The procedure is generally painless, though a slight discomfort may be experienced during the session.
Since the collagen regeneration process continues for several weeks after the procedure, the effects are not immediate but long-lasting. This makes the HIFU procedure an ideal solution for those who prefer gradual and natural skin rejuvenation rather than instant results. Additionally, as a non-invasive treatment, it minimizes the risks associated with surgical alternatives, making HIFU a compelling choice for a wide range of individuals seeking youthful and firm skin.
-Ja ir aktīvs ādas iekaismums apstrādājamā zonā
-Ja ir akūta vīrusa infekcija, piemēram herpes infekcija
-Ja ir autoimūna saslimšana
-Cukura diabēta gadījumā
-Ja ir kardiostimulators
Procedūras laikā pacients vietām var sajust diskomfortu, taču atsāpināšana nav nepieciešama.
Iesakām veikt 1 reizi gadā vai nepieciešamības gadījumā aptuveni pēc 3 mēnešiem var veikt korekciju .
-Ādas noslīdēšanas sejas vai kakla rajonā
-Ādas elastības zudums
-Sīkas grumbiņas pieres, acu, mutes rajonā